New York times journalist once said "most horrible experience, cant wait to do it again".

What is the Kambo treatment?

Kambo is a frog poison from the Amazonian tree frog, Phyllomedusa bicolor, also known as "The Giant Leaf Frog".  Kambo is used as a traditional medicine in purging or cleansing rituals. During the ritual, a shaman burns several superficial dots in your skin. Traditionally in the tribes where Kambo is used, women are burned on their legs to promote fertility, while men are burned on their arms and chests to promote a successful hunt or virility as well as heal a variety of illnesses such as what they called "Panema". Kambo carries a high number of different peptides that produce physiological effects in humans. The three main characteristics we use Kambo for are, its ability to rapidly detox and purge toxins from your body, the chemical effect it has on endorphins and dopamine levels that helps with withdrawal symptoms and how it helps make the blood brain barrier more permeable for other medicines such as the Ibogaine treatment and the Ayahuasca treatment. Before we started working with Kambo, patients with dependence on benzos, high amounts of marijuana, antidepressants, alcohol, gabapentin and antipsychotic medications, would have a longer detox and little to no experience on the Ibogaine treatment. Thanks to Kambo, all patients have a more clear and profound experience and our detox protocols are more bearable and with shorter periods of preparation.

The Kambo Process:

  • There is a short food and liquid fast involved prior to the Kambo treatment.
  • Rapé is applied (powder made mainly of tobaccos and medicinal herbs), by blowing it into your nasal cavities. This is done to quiet the mind and cleanse the energy of the participants before getting the Kambo.
  • Superficial burns are made on a shoulder with a small burning stick.
  • You are asked to drink 1.5 lts of water to fill up the stomach and help the purge.
  • The frog poison is then placed in small dots on the burns, because it is absorbed through the lymphatic system.
  • Seconds later you start feeling the effects of the medicine, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, possible diarrhea, tachycardia and profuse sweating.
  • The advantage is that the "Purge" only lasts about 10 to 15 minutes and the positive effects are usually felt right after, such as feeling fresh, in peace or with less withdrawal symptoms.
  • Once completed you are left to rest with a Zen environment and offered food when ready.

The Kambo treatment is essential in obtaining the results expected and is not optional!

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