A place of true healing and growth.

Medically Supervised Kambo, Bufo, Ayahuasca & Ibogaine Treatments

About us:

Rite Of Passage Mexico is a fully-licensed alternative care center that specializes in the definite interruption of physical and chemical dependency, as well as addressing mental disorders by employing the natural medicines Kambo, Bufo, Ayahuasca and Ibogaine Treatments , in combination with our unique & perfected protocols. Our experience has been obtained through out the years in this field, starting first as medical professionals before having a spiritual connection with the medicines themselves. What makes us unique and more effective then other programs, is our constant curiosity and care for observation in each individual case we attend. We do not believe there is only one method for all, due to every patient that comes, carries a unique history and their own needs for different areas of growth. Our patients are treated as family in a judgement and shame free environment, for this is also needed in helping a patient find their path back to believing in life and others again. We do not just see patients for addiction treatment or mental disorders, we also educate and recommend changes that are needed to be made when finishing the program, and the awesome part of about it, is that this information was and is still being obtained from former patients success stories.

One of our greatest attributes is delivering what was discussed, there is never a surprise in the program. We try to be as upfront as possible with our clients, even try to explain the day to day process you will be presented to.

Our success rate to the day is above a 90% success, specially with the 26 years of age patients, having a lower success with our younger 21 year olds. It is important to know patients suffering addiction cannot be obligated into sobriety, the patient is the only person that will free THEMSELVES from the dependency and NO ONE ELSE will be able to. The patient has to be willing and ready to take on the Ibogaine Treatments , Ayahuasca treatment , Bufo treatment and Kambo treatment , face their demons and make the change necessary afterwards. We wish we had the power to save every single patient we meet, but we have learned the patients save themselves, and no one else can.

We do however pour our heart and soul into helping others and will continue growing the ROP family through each individual we meet and treat. It is our purpose in life, and we will never lose sight of this.

We'll guide you back to an amazing life.

Our Mission

Provide our patients with a professional treatment of alternative medicines, with personalized attention of the highest quality levels.

Our Vision

Discover, perfect and regulate diverse protocols of alternative medicines, supervised by the use of medical knowledge to treat illnesses and conditions of today's society.


Restore our patients power to reintegrate in a normal daily life, by detoxing and freeing the body of all kinds of dependencies to legal or illegal chemical substances that harm the organism; along with balancing and nourishing of the body through a harmonic and homelike environment.

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